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🛡️ Summit of the Future: Preparing for a Greener World 🌱

Last updated: August 2, 2024


As the world grapples with the escalating climate crisis, the United Nations has called for a “Summit of the Future” to be held this September from 20th till 23rd 2024. This landmark event aims to address the urgent need for global action to achieve zero emissions by 2030. The summit is expected to bring together world leaders, scientists, and environmentalists to discuss and implement strategies to combat climate change. While governments will play a crucial role in shaping policies, individuals can also take significant steps to contribute to a sustainable future.

Key Takeaways from the Summit’s Documents


📜 Declaration on Future Generations

The Declaration on Future Generations emphasizes the need for intergenerational solidarity, justice, and equity. It highlights the responsibility of current generations to safeguard the interests of future generations by promoting sustainable development, addressing climate change, and ensuring a healthy environment. Key principles include maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights, and achieving gender equality.

  • Climate Action and Environmental Protection: Urgently address climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss to create a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment.

  • Human Rights and Social Equity: Promote and protect all human rights, ensure gender equality, eliminate discrimination, and promote the rights of Indigenous Peoples.

  • Economic Growth and Development: Undertake strategies to achieve inclusive economic growth, sustainable development, and eradicate poverty.

  • Technological Innovation: Harness safe, secure, ethical, and trustworthy technology to bridge digital divides and promote inclusive digital transformation.

  • Intergenerational Responsibility: Ensure that current generations act responsibly to safeguard the needs and interests of future generations.

  • Education and Health: Invest in accessible, inclusive quality education and healthcare to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being across generations.


Regular reviews and updates on the actions taken to safeguard the needs and interests of future generations every five years.

🤝 Pact for the Future

The Pact for the Future outlines commitments to eliminate all forms of discrimination, promote cultural diversity, protect the rights of Indigenous Peoples, and undertake strategies for inclusive economic growth and sustainable development. It prioritizes urgent action on climate change, resilience building, and leveraging new technologies for sustainable development.

  • Global Cooperation: Strengthen multilateral systems based on international law and promote global cooperation for sustainable development.

  • Digital Transformation: Leverage digital technologies to accelerate progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Climate Justice: Prioritize urgent actions on climate change and promote resilience and disaster risk reduction.

  • Human Rights: Commit to eliminating all forms of discrimination, promoting cultural diversity, and ensuring full participation of marginalized communities.


Specific actions and measurable targets are set to be reviewed and updated regularly, with significant milestones aimed for 2030.

💻 Global Digital Compact

The Global Digital Compact focuses on the transformative potential of digital technologies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It highlights the importance of closing digital divides, fostering inclusive digital economies, and ensuring the responsible and equitable governance of emerging technologies like AI. The Compact emphasizes the need for international cooperation, the protection of human rights in digital spaces, and the promotion of digital literacy and skills.

  • Close Digital Divides: Ensure universal, reliable, and meaningful connectivity and affordable access to the internet.

  • Promote Digital Skills: Achieve at least 80% of people with basic digital skills and 60% with intermediate or advanced digital skills by 2030.

  • Foster Digital Inclusion: Develop inclusive digital public goods and infrastructure to support all communities.

  • Secure Digital Environments: Establish safe and secure online spaces, address cyber threats, and protect privacy and freedom of expression.

  • Advance Data Governance: Develop effective international and national data governance frameworks to maximize data benefits while protecting privacy.


  • By 2030, achieve universal meaningful and affordable connectivity.
  • By 2030, ensure digital skills training and capacity building.
  • By 2030, implement comprehensive data governance frameworks and secure cross-border data flows.

Preparing for Future Policies

The Summit of the Future will likely result in new policies and regulations aimed at accelerating the transition to a zero-emissions world. By taking proactive steps now, you can position yourself to benefit from these changes. For instance, investing in renewable energy and energy-efficient technologies may offer financial advantages as governments introduce incentives and subsidies. Additionally, early adoption of sustainable practices can help you avoid potential future costs associated with non-compliance or retrofitting outdated systems.

Here are some practical actions you can take now to align with potential changes in policy and support global goals.

🚗 Transition to Electric Vehicles (EVs)

One of the most impactful actions you can take is to switch from a diesel or gasoline vehicle to an electric vehicle. EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, significantly reducing your carbon footprint. With advancements in technology, EVs are becoming more affordable, and their ranges are increasing. Additionally, many governments offer incentives and tax credits to make the switch more attractive. By transitioning to an EV, you not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also prepare for future regulations that may restrict or ban fossil fuel vehicles.

 ☀️ Install Solar Panels

Harnessing solar energy is a powerful way to reduce your reliance on fossil fuels. Installing solar panels on your home can drastically cut your electricity bills and reduce your carbon footprint. Many countries offer incentives, grants, or tax rebates to offset the initial cost of installation. Solar energy is a renewable resource that provides clean power, and by investing in solar panels, you can contribute to the global effort to reduce emissions while also increasing the value of your property.

🏠 Improve Home Energy Efficiency

Enhancing the energy efficiency of your home is another effective way to lower emissions. Simple measures such as installing energy-efficient windows and doors, adding insulation, and using energy-efficient appliances can make a significant difference. Smart thermostats and LED lighting can also help reduce energy consumption. These upgrades not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also lower utility bills and improve the comfort of your home.

💡 Support Renewable Energy Projects

Investing in or supporting renewable energy projects can accelerate the transition to a sustainable future. Whether it’s through community solar projects, wind farms, or other renewable energy initiatives, your support can drive innovation and expansion in the renewable sector. Consider investing in renewable energy stocks or participating in local cooperative energy projects.

 📢 Advocate for Sustainable Policies

Individual actions are crucial, but collective action can drive broader change. Advocate for sustainable policies at the local, national, and international levels. Support politicians and policies that prioritize climate action and sustainable development. Participate in community initiatives, attend town hall meetings, and use your voice to push for regulations that promote renewable energy, conservation, and environmental protection.

♻️ Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Adopting a more sustainable lifestyle through the principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle can significantly lower your environmental impact. Reduce waste by choosing products with minimal packaging, reusing items whenever possible, and recycling materials properly. Composting organic waste can also help reduce landfill contributions and provide valuable nutrients for gardening.

🌳 Plant Trees and Support Reforestation

Trees play a vital role in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Planting trees and supporting reforestation projects can help mitigate climate change. Participate in local tree-planting events or donate to organizations dedicated to reforestation efforts. Trees not only sequester carbon but also provide habitats for wildlife, improve air quality, and enhance natural landscapes.


The urgency of the climate crisis demands immediate and sustained action from both governments and individuals. The upcoming Summit of the Future presents an opportunity to align global efforts toward a sustainable and zero-emissions future. By transitioning to electric vehicles, installing solar panels, improving home energy efficiency, supporting renewable energy projects, advocating for sustainable policies, reducing waste, and planting trees, you can contribute meaningfully to this global mission. Together, we can create a greener, more sustainable world for future generations. For more information on the Summit of the Future and its objectives, visit the UN Summit of the Future website.


Lionel ThomasLionel Thomas
Father, Gamer and Founder with a Passion for Health, AI, Environment and Gamification of Life.

Author Tools:



  • 1.   Summit of the Future (New York, 2024)

    United Nations

  • 2.   Do you want to live more sustainably?

    A World
    AWorld is the official platform for the United Nations' ActNow campaign, promoting sustainable living to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 agenda. The app allows users to calculate their CO2 emissions, learn sustainable practices, and take actions to reduce their carbon footprint. It offers tips, challenges, and rewards for participating in sustainability efforts, making it an engaging tool for individuals and organizations to drive positive environmental change.

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